The main reasons behind these vastu are deep scientific facts , early in the morning the sun remain at eastern region which brings in light and quality air into the residence making the space ideal for mediation, prayer, exercise, study etc.
Architects in Chennai advised to place pooja room on the ground floor and not on basement or higher floors of the house. And the placement of idols should face east or northern direction.
The interior design of pooja room should make sure that it creates a soothing mood to the worshipper. The paint scheme of cool colours like blue , white or a very pale yellow can be considered while designing a pooja room. The pooja room should always be well ventilated and should be a source of getting in fresh air and sunlight , windows should be planned accordingly.

In case of small spaces and apartments with no provision for pooja room, Pooja room can be located on northeast corner of the kitchen or the living with a closed shutter doors.

First choice : North-East Direction or the Centre of the house.
Second choice : East , West Directions of the house or NE quadrant of the plot.
If none of these corners are available, the pooja room can be located in the North East corner of any room except bedrooms, toilets and store rooms