What is FRLS Cable?

FRLS (Flame Retardant Low Smoke) cables are a crucial factor in making sure safety in fireplace-prone locations. Their design makes them indispensable in places which include power plants, business complexes, accommodations, and public places where fire safety is paramount. At Deejos we have the best architects in Chennai who design your dream project with all the safety measures and quality materials.            

What is FRLS Cable ?

FRLS (Flame Retardant Low Smoke) are fire-resistant cables used in fire-prone locations. As the name indicates, when these cables are exposed to flames, they self-extinguish the flame quickly and release less toxic smoke. This is because these wires contain a flame-retardant low-smoke PVC compound, which ensures low smoke release compared to other wires with a PVC coating. Hence, they are less toxic and emit a low amount of corrosive fumes.


FRLS cables should be used in places with major possibilities of fire accidents, like power plants, industrial complexes, hotels, and places of public gathering. Hence, the cables used in the various electrical installations must be fire-resistant. Thus increasing the safety while remaining functional.

When implementing FRLS cables, panic factor is reduced hence making the evaluation of buildings easier. This enables aiding damage control operations and preserving life and property.

Key Features

Flame Retardant:

FRLS cables are engineered to self-extinguish quickly when exposed to flames, preventing the spread of fire.

Low Smoke Emission:

These cables are made with a special low-smoke PVC compound that emits substantially much less toxic smoke and less corrosive fumes. This is critical for visibility and quality air, making it simpler for human beings to evacuate competently and for firefighters to carry out their duties.

Implementing FRLS cables in fireplace-prone areas notably enhances protection via lowering the danger of fire spread and minimizing the discharge of poisonous fumes. This ensures better safety of life and assets at some point of fireplace incidents. Adopting FRLS cables by top architects in Chennai is a proactive step in the direction of creating more secure environments in each residential and business setting.